Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ok, it's become apparent that I can not leave Nova Roma unattened...I come home for being gone for about a week....and the place is TRASHED!! Just this morning I found a hair that wasn't mine on the sidewalk leading to the Starbucks that just opened last week! I swear...these people can't even comprehend that magintude of their GODDESS walking around on there very own streets! It has become obvious that I am I need of an asisstant (I got the idea from watching a re-run on MTV, the show was "The Asisstant" starring Andy Dick)

I am currently holding an open audition soon. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for someone. I am intersted to see who shall attend...(fat dudes need not apply)


Blogger Professor Xavier said...

Can I just say that I loved that Andy Dick show. It was really hilarious. "It's clip time, bitches!"

Cyclops was in my office whining about something or other this morning. I just couldn't take him anymore so I had hime flown down to Nova Roma to try out as your assistant. Maybe that will give him a little perspective.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Selene said...

Yes, it was a GREAT show. I loved how he made them sleep in his garage on cots.

My favorite memory was when Andy sent that guy to break up with his girlfriend for him, then in the next episode, he was back with her.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Professor Xavier said...

That was really funny. I think my favorite was when that one wanna-be had to win the foot race. He lost the race but he stole the trophy! Andy was not impressed. That was hilarious.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

You can have my friend Weasel if you need another one. He'll probably just drool over you though.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Vegeta said...

You can Have Kakarot He's dumb strong, and if you want to terroize the peons get him drunk.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Gaia said...

Selene I'm writing to you Northstar and Scarlet Witch to tell you that a while back a blog called Heroes Unplugged was created. Most of the X-Men we're invited but since you 3 are new you didn't recieve an invatation.
If you interested leave your email address in one of the comments at
and someone will gladly add you. And don't worry, its open to villians too.

6:55 AM  

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